We encourage all students to get involved in co-curricular activities and we hope our wide array of activities allows each student to find their unique place here at Apple Valley High School.
AVHS Co-Curricular Activities
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is a quiz-based competition that tests students on a wide variety of academic subjects.
National Art Honor Society
NAHS helps students reach the highest level of professionalism as they begin their pursuit of careers in art.
AVHS Clubs
Student-Led Activities & Clubs are operated and managed by organizations, clubs or groups within the student body under the guidance and direction of staff member(s) and advisor(s) for educational, recreational or cultural purposes.
Media Crew
Media Crew works on projects for Athletics, Arts, and the Community to help broadcast events.
Student-Led Groups
Student-Led Groups are encouraged to incorporate their own interests into projects, within a set of broad guidelines that Apple Valley High School regulates. Apple Valley High School Student Clubs are student-led and are created as student interest groups. Students wishing to organize a club must contact the Activities Director to discuss the next steps in forming the group.
Muslim Student Association
Muslim Student Association builds bridges between the Muslim community and AVHS students.
AVHS Affiliated Groups
The following clubs meet District 196's lettering policy and are open to Apple Valley High School students. These clubs are not directly managed by Apple Valley High School. DIS 196 STUDENT LETTER AWARDS GUIDELINES
AVHS Dances
Apple Valley hosts two dances throughout the school year, Homecoming and Prom.