Athletic Programs
Attending a game in person? Please read:
Eagle Athletics
Register For Spring Sports HERE
ALSO Register for: Free High School Sports Physical at TCO
Additional Information
Steps to participate Sports at AVHS
Step 1: Educational Benefits/Financial Assistance
All families must complete an Educational Benefits Application annually. Participants may be eligible for reduced-price athletic fees that are lower, helping to reduce barriers to participation in athletics programs.
Step 2: Updated Physical Form
Have an updated physical on file in the AVHS Athletics Office.
New or updated physical forms can be emailed to or faxed to 952-431-8744 or brought into the AVHS Main Office. All current physicals must be dated within the past three years and not expire during the current sport season.
Step 3: Register for your sport
Register prior to your sport start date or tryout start date. Your coach will receive an automatic electronic communication that you are registered after successful completion of the EduTrak Registration process.