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Attendance Matters

every day matters


  • Research shows students should miss no more than nine days of school each year to stay engaged, successful, and on track to graduate.

  • One of every seven District 196 students misses two or more days of school per month, nearly 20 days (10%) of the school year.


Regular attendance helps students enjoy school more and feel connected to their community. It also boosts academic performance and enhances social skills.


  • Higher grades
  • Increased chance of graduating
  • Hands-on/collaborative learning
  • Better access to academic support


  • Forming friendships
  • Developing emotional skills (empathy, patience, confidence, teamwork)
  • Enhancing communication skills


  • Discuss the importance of showing up on-time each day.
  • Maintain routines, limit technology, ensure good sleep.
  • Avoid appointments during the school day.
  • Encourage participation in school activities.
  • Ensure every class period is attended.
  • Talk with your school to learn about support options!

District 196 is committed to improving student attendance. Parents will be contacted if their child's attendance becomes concerning.

In accordance with District Policy 503.2AR, students are expected to attend class every day, with the exception of school-authorized and verified absences. Excessive absences may have adverse consequences.

It is important to understand the consequences that occur and processes we will follow when students are absent from school. Our goal is, as always, is to ensure that your child has the best opportunity to thrive.


When your student has unexcused absences from ANY SINGLE CLASS PERIOD families will receive an automated phone call and students may receive a school-based consequence. 

5 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Administrative Intervention

  • Student meets with school staff to address issues.

  • Parents/guardians are notified and offered resources to help.

7 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Collaborative Development

  • Student and parent/guardian meet with school staff to discuss ways to prevent additional absences.

  • Consequences may include detention, in-school suspension, and/or loss of privileges.

  • Referral is made to the Dakota County Truancy Reduction Program, as required by state law.


  • Students may receive a "No Credit" (NC) or an "F" depending on performance in the class. Opportunities are available to restore credit. 

  • Absences due to illness are excused for up to ten days. A doctor’s note is required AFTER 10 absences due to illness.


  • Unexcused: An unexcused absence occurs when a student is absent without school approval. 
    * If an absence is not reported, it will be deemed “unexcused” after 48 hours. 

  • Excused: Illness, medical/dental appointments during school hours, and pre-planned absences. 
    * Absences due to illness are excused for up to 10 days. A doctor’s note is required after 10 absences due to illness.

  • Exempt: School-authorized absences detailed in District 196 Attendance Policy.


You must report all absences:

  1. AVHS Absence Call-in Voicemail 952-431-8299

  2. Report all absences online (student ID and birth date required) or call the school’s attendance office, and

  3. message cocurricular coaches/advisors to let them know your student will be absent.

Stay on track:

  • Check Schoology for homework updates.

  • Communicate with teachers and classmates to make up for missed work.

AVHS Absence Call-in Voicemail 952-431-8299

Please be sure to say student's first and last name, spelling the last name, the student's grade, date of absence and reason for absence. Also leave a telephone number where you may be contacted.

Please view your student's attendance by logging in to your Campus Portal and clicking on the Attendance tab on the left. If you require assistance logging in to your Campus Portal, you can call the main office at 952-431-8200.

Hodan Bile, Asst. Administrator
(A-K) Grades 9-12
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8213

Alix Grande

Dean of Students/Student Support
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8253
Paul Tinder, Asst. Administrator
(L-Z) Grades 9-12
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8341
Kimberly Kocken, Secretary
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8297 (Direct)
952.431.8216 (Attendance)
Jeff Flugum
Dean of Students
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8227
Cheri Tate, Clerk 
Email: Contact me
Phone: 952.431.8289 (Direct)
952.431.8216 (Attendance)